2014 Charity Fun-Run Follow-up report

Vincotech Social Responsibility, Charity
Fotocredits: Plan International

2014-May - A charity fun-run organized by Vincotech as part of the PCIM Europe show in May 2014 raised a rather impressive sum of €12,000. All proceeds went to the children's development organisation Plan International Deutschland e. V. to support the 'Water for Ethiopia' initiative. Though it's still early days, many people have already benefitted from the donation. A report on the project's progress follows.

In May 2014, Vincotech staged a charity fun run at PCIM Europe, a leading industry trade show. Volunteers racked up 230 km on the treadmill during the three days of the fair, an astonishing turnout that certainly exceeded our expectations by far. Vincotech was delighted to donate €50 for each kilometer, rounding up a tad to raise the tidy sum of €12,000. It was no coincidence that the treadmill is a prime example of an application featuring a Vincotech power module. Follow this link to read the full account: PCIM Europe 2014, May 20 – 22 Charity fun-run.

Vincotech stays in touch with Plan International and tracks the progress of the projects we support. We are proud to report that this initiative, which aims to provide a sustainable supply of water to children and families and improve hygiene conditions in the region of Amhara, has already benefitted many people. A new supply point was built earlier this year in Tara, a village in Dangla district. It now furnishes water to 30 households with some 150 people. The much improved water supply has become a people magnet; Tara has been growing since this project got underway with many new families joining the community. During the dry season it serves even more households; as many as 70 with some 300 villagers.

Plan supports infrastructure measures aiming at improving the water supply in the Ethopian Highlands project area as well as tutoring measures for everyone involved.

Plan International deserves praise for its community-based approach to project management, which is working so well at Amhara. This DIY strategy empowers locals to maintain and improve access to sanitation facilities and drinking water in their communities.

In December 2014, ten community-based water committees made up of 106 women, men and children attended training sessions held in Gidan district, where they learned to maintain and repair wells to ensure the water continues to flow for many tomorrows to come. The classes also covered how to take the initiative and plan and execute projects independently, the idea being to promote their communities' development from within. The water point in the village of Tara is also managed independently by a nine-member committee. This way the community is able to improve its water supply on its own. We believe that empowerment is the key to success, which is why we support initiatives that help communities acquire the knowledge and skills needed to carry out infrastructure projects like this.

Plan International has posted a video showcasing the project on YouTube. It is available in German only. This initiative aims to benefit some 20,000 people, so there is still much to do. We'll keep you posted.

For more information about this project please see the Vincotech-partner-page at Plan International.

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