Vincotech Renews Sponsoring Deal with AMZ Racing Team Swiss students put down pencils, pick up tools, to go faster with Vincotech's help and hardware

Fotocredits: Formula student team of the AMZ

The members of ETH Zurich's Academic Motorsports Club have a remarkable record of achievement in electric racecar engineering to their credit. In July 2016, these students' last model, the Grimsel, put in the fastest 0-to-100 km/h acceleration time ever recorded for an electric vehicle.

That's quite an accomplishment, but it's not the reason why in 2018 Vincotech renewed its commitment to sponsoring the team. As an engineering-driven tech company, we feel a kinship with young engineers. It's our pleasure to afford them opportunities to apply what they learned and gain experience juggling the complexities of real-world projects. Now the club aims to build a new racecar, the Eiger, and Vincotech is happy to contribute with free power modules and technical consulting. We're eager to see how this project pans out. Will the AMZ racing team rack up more successes on the Formula SAE circuit? Only time will tell, and we'll be watching. To learn more about this project, visit

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