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Charging the Future - DC Fast Charging Solutions - Download:
DC Fast Charging Solutions (PDF)
The market for electric vehicles (EVs) has entered a phase of fast growth, boosted by global challenges like CO2 reduction and energy saving. A consequence of this growth in EV numbers on the road is that the number of public and private charging points and charging stations will also grow fast. While most of the charging demand is currently met by home charging, publicly accessible DC fast chargers are increasingly needed in order to provide the same level of convenience and accessibility as for refueling conventional vehicles. But climate-friendly mobility is not just limited to passenger cars. Heavy-duty vehicles and also industrial vehicles have to be taken in consideration regarding charging.
Vincotech with more than 25 years’ experience in power modules offers a comprehensive product portfolio to cover all conversion stages, and power ranges, from as little as 5kW up to megawatt (MCS) in a DC fast charger system architecture.
Discover our product portfolio with power modules for 2-level and 3-level three-phase PFC topologies (AC-DC), Half-bridge and H-Bridge topologies for DC-DC conversion, and benefit from:
- Multi-sourced SiC-components for more freedom of choice and less supply chain risk
- Low inductance industrial standard packages, to enable higher switching frequency and reduce filtering effort/costs
- Advanced die-attach technology, to extend the power cycling lifetime by a factor of 6
- Integrated DC capacitors to mitigate voltage over-shoot
- Multiple substrate options for optimized thermal performance
- Press-fit pins and pre-applied TIM to help reduce production cost
- Topology
- Sub-Topology
Product line
Voltage in V
Current in A
Main Chip technology
- Housing Family
Height in mm
Part-no details / Part-no datasheet | Product status | Topology | Sub-Topology | Product line | Voltage in V |
Current in A |
Main Chip technology | Housing family | Height in mm |
Isolation | Simulation |