/ 产品新闻 2024-06 Taking WBG to the next level New fastPACK 1 GaN 2-in-1 更多 2023-12 PUTTING EFFICIENCY FIRST FOR YOU The new full SiC 3-phase flowPIM 1 + PFC for power ranges up to 11 kW 更多 2023-11 不只是普通的半桥模块 新款flowDUAL E3 SiC - 可为您的大功率应用提供更高的可扩展性 更多 2023-10 深度集成,提高功率 三相 flowPIM 1 + PFC 适用功率最高4.5 kW 更多 2023-09 超越标准 新款三相 flowCSPFC S3 SiC – 直流快速充电桩PFC最佳解决方案 更多 2023-08 More power, less space PD6xF58 flowNPC 2 - the path for higher output power 更多 2023-01 全面提升太阳能系统的性能 flowNPC, flowANPC, flowFC - 适用于1500V光伏系统的行业领先产品 更多 2022-12 The Best Fit 1200 V MiniSkiiP® PIM 2 and MiniSkiiP® PIM 3 up to 50 A @ 25°C 更多 2022-10 启航新时代 flowPIM® S3 + 3xPFC系列模块 – 高达11kW功率范围内的最佳选择 更多 2022-08 更高功率,更小空间 flowNPC 2 - 可为1000 VDC的光伏应用提供高达150 kW的功率 更多 产品新闻 / 公司新闻 2024-06 Vincotech’s PCIM booth raises €15,000 for project Proceeds go to Plan International to help young Ecuadorians off to a better… 更多 2024-06 Vincotech at PCIM – EMPOWERING YOUR IDEAS Vincotech to present GaN and other advanced technologies at the PCIM tradeshow… 更多 2024-06 Vincotech and Semikron Danfoss renew cooperation agreement for MiniSKiiP® packaging technology Vincotech, a supplier of module-based solutions for power electronics, is… 更多 2023-12 Vincotech为马拉维教育项目捐助12,000欧元 旨在帮助解决马拉维贫困地区女孩的教育问题 更多 2023-08 Vincotech to extend cooperation with TSV Haching Stepping up its sponsorship of TSV Haching München’s Bundesliga volleyball team,… 更多 2023-06 Vincotech’s PCIM booth raises €15,000 for Ukraine project Proceeds go to Plan International to help children affected by the war 更多 2022-12 Vincotech donates €15,000 to relief initiative Proceeds go to Plan International Germany to help children affected by the… 更多 2022-07 Vincotech to sponsor volleyball team in Unterhaching In a win-win-win scenario for the company, community and competition, TSV… 更多 2021-12 10th Anniversary for Vincotech for Supporting Plan International 更多 2021-10 Vincotech Rolls Out New Online Simulation Tool Webpage-launched simulator available now 更多 公司新闻 Stay informed with our newsletter Learn more about our company and our product innovations. Sign up